16th Congress of the Russian Entomological Society
Moscow, August 22–26, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Registration of the participants of the 16th Congress of the Russian Entomological Society and submitting of
abstracts and registration fees continue.
We remind you that it is necessary to submit abstracts and pay the
registration fee before March 1, 2022.
Program Committee
The program committee of the 16th Congress of the Russian Entomological Society has been formed, consisting of the following section heads:
- Section 1. HEMIMETABOLOUS INSECTS (Sergey Storozhenko and Lev Shestakov)
- Section 2. COLEOPTERA (Alexander Kirejtshuk, Boris Korotyaev and Alexander Prosvirov)
- Section 3. LEPIDOPTERA (Sergej Sinev, Oleg Gorbunov and Anatoly Krupitsky)
- Section 4. HYMENOPTERA (Sergey Belokobylskij, Maxim Proshchalykin and Alexander Timokhov)
- Section 5. DIPTERA (Olga Ovtshinnikova and Valentin Pilipenko)
- Section 6. INSECT MORPHOLOGY (Stanislav Chaika and Anastasia Makarova)
- Section 7. ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION OF INSECTS (Konstantin Gongalsky and Sergey Tsurikov)
- Section 8. PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF INSECTS (Olga Korsunovskaya and Nikita Zhiganov)
- Section 9. MOLECULAR GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS OF INSECTS (Vladimir Lukhtanov, Valentina Kuznetsova and Nadezhda Oyun)
- Section 10. ETHOLOGY OF INSECTS (Zhanna Reznikova and Vladimir Kartsev)
- Section 11. MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ENTOMOLOGY (Sergey Medvedev and Yulia Lopatina)
- Section 12. AGRICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY (Vladimir Pavlyushin, Viktor Korobov and Aleksandr Koval)
- Section 13. FOREST ENTOMOLOGY (READINGS IN MEMORY OF O.A. KATAEV) (Andrey Selikhovkin, Yuri Baranchikov and Dmitry Musolin)
- Section 14. PALAEOENTOMOLOGY (Alexander Rasnitsyn and Dmitry Kopylov)
- Section 15. ARACHNIDA (Yuri Marusik, Kirill Mikhailov and Evgenia Propistsova)
- At the end of the submission of abstracts, the composition of the sections and /or the program committee may be adjusted.
Instructions for submitting abstracts at the portal
Abstracts should be submitted at the LOMONOSOV portal.
A collection of detailed tips in Russian for submitting the abstracts is available at the portal (download
Payment of the registration fee by foreign participants
The current system of accepting the registration fee does not allow paying it with a card registered in a foreign
bank. In this regard, for foreign participants, we offer another way to pay for abstracts: write to us by e-mail to
2022reo@gmail.com, and we will send you information on how you can pay the fee for abstracts through PayPal.
Participants from the Russian Federation have to pay the fee at www.tinkoff.ru/cf/5ptKHNBQHSg.
Accommodation Information
We recommend that participants of the Congress find suitable accommodation in Moscow in advance. We have a preliminary agreement with two hotels where the participants can book accommodation with discounts. Information about these is given below hotels.
Hotel UNIVERSITETSKAYA (Michurinsky pr. 8-1, Moscow): 5 minutes’ walk to the conference venue.
reserve@uhtl.ru or +7 (495) 363-35-87.
Site: www.uhtl.ru.
Using the promo code RES for a 15% discount, guests can independently book any category of rooms available on the
day of booking with any meal in the tariff. The promo code will be valid for the period of stay from August 21 to
August 27, 2022. Booking will be possible from February 20, 2022. It is recommended to book by e-mail. In the
booking request, please specify the full names, number of guests in the room, meals, promo code and contact phone
number. In response to the application, the guest will receive a booking confirmation.
Hotel AKADEMICHESKAYA (Donskaya ul. 1, Moscow): 40 minutes by public transport to the conference venue.
Contacts: hotels.booking@ras-hotels.ru или +7 (495) 989-60-09.
Site: academical.ras-hotels.ru.
Employees of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences may be given discounts on applications from the place
of work. To pay by bank transfer or cash, send an application on the letterhead of the organization and a list of
Other accommodation options in Moscow are easy to find on the sites booking.com and airbnb.ru.
We recommend booking in advance, as many public events in 2020 and 2021 were postponed to 2022, and increased demand
for accommodations in Moscow is expected in the summer of 2022.
Information on the Congress:
You are welcome in Moscow!
Organizing Committee of the 16th Congress of the Russian Entomological Society
Organizing committee contacts: +7 (495) 939-16-95, +7 (925) 860-24-71, 2022reo@gmail.com